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Ogłoszenia, felietony, informacje Polonijne - Tygodnik Monitor

22 grudnia 2010

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The latest Environmental Protection Agency study showed the presence of metals rakotwrczych in drinking water in 35 U.S. cities. One of them is Chicago.


Every day, nearly a billion Chicago galonw treats water from the intake in Lake Michigan, ktre pniej get to our homes. But before that happens, the water is tested for the presence of hundreds of związkw chemicals, including dangerous to the health of the chrome. Previous studies were negative, and the water taps in Chicago was considered one of the best in the country.

Until this year the EPA joined testw expensive test for the presence of chromium derivatives, including compound called Hexavalent Chromium or Chromium VI is toxic and ktry rakotwrczą chromium salt. They found that in 36 cities, including Chicago, detected its presence, often hazardous to human health.

The highest was recorded in Norman, Oklahoma - 1290 parts per billion, which seriously alarmed the authorities there. In our region, the results were much lower, although it also runs disturbing. In Madison, Wisconsin - 1.58 parts / billion, in Milwaukee and Chicago 0.18 parts / billion.

EPA limits the permissible content of chromium in drinking water and has the appropriate rules governing its level. But so far no guidelines to szczegowych Hexavelent Chromium, a toxic chromium salts.

The only condition is to prevent prbującym California, where he is preparing the relevant legislation. Men of the legislature as the maximum permissible levels of compound found in water, 0.6 parts / billion, which is significantly lower than that detected in the scenes of Chicago.

"We found rakotwrczy compound known in our area. Does this mean that get sick with cancer? No. Should I be concerned? Absolutely, yes. " - MWI Alex Formuzis representing the Environmental Working Group.

This compound is known for a long time.Ideally, of course, environmental agencies, and doctors, but also lovers of cinema. In the movie Erin Brokovich, shot on real events behind the scenes reveals the heroine głwna zbiornikw aquatic toxicity of chromium salts was.

This substance occurs in nature, but its origin is the photographic credits głwnym industry. Chromium - 6 is a waste created during the production of chromium metal and plastic and barwnikw.

"The level of 0.18 particles of chrome-6 in the Chicago water should worry us. We must seek to reduce the level of different ways and to systematically carry out appropriate tests for the presence of substances rakotwrczych "- says Dr. Peter Orr of the University of Illinois.

According to the latest results should not cause panic, but be forced to tighten control. Nor should we abandon the use of water from Chicago kranw.

Chicago and other cities included in the EPA tests at the moment do not negate wynikw but want to know what methods of research made use of the agency. All are ready to undertake further testw.

"Our water meets and often exceeds the EPA standards and is 100% secure," - says Thomas Powers supervises local water intake.

Unfortunately, the EPA study referred only to Chicago. Water in the suburbs often comes with other shots and has not been tested for the presence of chromium salts, so their possible presence and level in the towns lying in the agglomeration of the event is not known.




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